Anti-genital mutilation protester shut down at Oprah’s Adelaide show

An intactivist protester at Oprah Winfrey’s show in Adelaide tonight was apparently shut down by police only 2 minutes after arriving.

The man was objecting to Oprah Winfrey’s endorsements of a face cream derived from human foreskin.

A hand-written sign held up to crowds outside the Entertainment Centre read:oprahforeskin

“Foreskin Facecream Oprah’s Shame”

He was apparently threatened with arrest, although the police could not provide information on the details of the charge, so he was allowed to leave with his sign tossed onto the footpath.

We understand this was the first anti-genital mutilation protest to be held in Adelaide. A facebook post of the short-lived encounter has been met with support, and generated interest in organising a larger protest in the future.




22 thoughts on “Anti-genital mutilation protester shut down at Oprah’s Adelaide show

  1. Great effort! I wonder if Oprah has heard about the protest and is thinking about this. She seems to be an intelligent woman, possibly not so jaded by her millions that she can’t allow repeated protests to register somewhere in her mind. It would be wonderful if she could experience an awakening to our cause.

  2. Bravo Mr. Protester! Oprah’s shame is her hypocrisy. Using stolen body parts from children’s genitals for her “beauty treatment” is beastly. Thank you for standing up to speak truth to…power, greed, cruelty and sexual mutilation.

  3. What the hell is wrong with Australia? How can free speech not be a thing there? Was he on private property or something? Why wouldn’t he be allowed to retain his sign even if he was asked to leave? Messed up stuff.

  4. How does a father teach his son how to clean if the father doesn’t have a foreskin?

    What is your position of Affirmative Action in general, as feminists could defend circumcision in the same way as Affirmative Action, that is, the opposition oppressor-oppressed?

  5. 1st amendment freedom of religion [not yours; his]; 8th amendment cruel and unusual punishments including torture; 14th amendment nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws; assault, battery, child abuse; animal cruelty is a class A felony in all 50 states. -police do nothing

    …freedom of speech? protesting against a crime? -police haul you off.

    welcome to amerika

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